1) Which prepositions complete the following sentences: by, for or to?
(Quais preposições completam as seguintes sentenças: por, para ou para?)
1. The group of stones was used ____religious ceremonies by Druids.
2. ____10 o'clock we drove ___the car park.
3. An old man beckoned ____us ____some moments ____ come in.
4. We have been ____England, Spain, Munich, and back____ England.
5. The story was written____ Radulescu and the movie was directed ____ Cristi Puiu.
6. The ghost appeared ____ midnight, ____ two or three nights successively.
7. Hamlet went _____ the platform and waited ____the coming of the night.
8. After they had gone ____ a quiet place, they were finally ready ____a conversation.
9. The message was sent____ fax, not____ e-mail.
10. What do we live____ if not ___make life less difficult ____ each other?
11. There were many small houses ____ the sea and____ the lakes nearby.
12. She said ____ us, "Happy Christmas ____ you all
13. This dessert is ____your sister, not ____you, Steve.
14. ____the time I get ____ San Diego, she'll be already sleeping.
15. Heaven holds a place____ those who pray.