
Por Tudo que É sagrado pra vcs me ajudem (Deus abeeAbençoe)​

Por Tudo Que É Sagrado Pra Vcs Me Ajudem Deus AbeeAbençoe class=

Resposta :

Olá !!

H = am

I = are

J = is


a) is

b) are

c) is

d) are

e) isn't

f) Am

g) aren't

h) Is


Is - am - am not - is - is not - are - is not - is - is - are - is not - is - are - are - are not


a) is

b) is

c) is

d) am

e) are

f) is

g) are

h) am

I) are

j) is

Espero ter te ajudado ☺️❤️

Bons estudos e qualquer dúvida estou disponível !!

1- a) I am hungry
b) we are students
c) the book is about tigers

2- a) the poor boy has no coat. He *is* cold.
b) we are the three bears. We *are* in the woods.
c) Cinderel is running home. It *is* 12 o’clock.
d) Tweedledum and Tweedledee have the same parents. They *are* brothers.
e) The monster hás a very ugly face. He *isn’t* handsome.
f) The wicked queen is asking her mirror. *Am* I beautiful?
g) Achilles and Hector fight. They *aren’t* friends.
h) Robinson Crusoe has no friends on the island. Is he unhappy?

3- The Prince and The Pauper is a very good book. I am 11 years old and I am not very insterested in history bug I really like this book. Mark Twain is a great writer. It isn’t difficult. It is easy to understand and enjoy the book. Tom is a simple English boy. His family are poor and they are always hungry. Edward isn’t poor because he is a prince. The boas are very different but at the end of the book they are friends. There are many films of the book but they aren’t very good - the book is the best!


A questão 4 eu não respondi pq eh pessoal, eh sobre as suas características físicas.

Espero ter ajudado :)

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