DRICAOFCON DRICAOFCON Inglês Respondido Texto Rick: --[1]-- you like to do something different tonight, Morty? Morty: Yes, there’s an exhibition about human bodies at the Vegas hotel. Rick: Yeah, it’s Bodies – The Exhibition. There are real bodies and we can see inside them. Morty: Ew, Rick! You know I don’t like anything that shows blood. It’s disgusting. Rick: Don’t worry. Look at the poster: it seems OK. --[2]-- blood. So, what do you think? Morty: Okay then. Let’s ask mom and dad!1- A lacuna –[1]—pode ser substituida corretamente por:a) Wouldb) Doc) Ared) Can2- A lacuna –[2]—pode ser substituida corretamente por:a) Lots ofb) Somec) Anyd) No