
GRAMMAR - Modal verbs can x could / may x might
01- Assista ao vídeo (quantas vezes forem necessárias para você entender o assunto):
Pay Attention!!
* Nos verbos modais não são acrescentados s, es, ies na 3a pessoa do singular (
he, he, it )
* Depois de um verbo modal nunca usamos “ to ”
* Não se usa outros verbos auxiliares na negativa e interrogativa.
02- Observe as formas negativa e interrogativa de can, could, may e might
e dê as formas pedidas:
Ex: A - Ana could help me.
N - Ana could not help me.
I - Could Ana help me ?
Ex: A - I may take a picture.
N – I may not take a picture.
I – May I take a picture ?

a) She can dance well.
N - ________________________________
I - ________________________________

b) I could sleep late.
N- ________________________________
I - ________________________________
c) Gabriel may spend all the money.
N - _____________________________________
I - _____________________________________

d) It might snow in the morning.
N - ______________________________________
I - ______________________________________
03- Todas as frases têm um erro. Escreva-as de novo, mas corretamente:
a) I don’t may come here. - _________________________________________
b) Sarah may to win the game. - _____________________________________
c) Does it may rain tonight ? - ________________________________________
d) The teacher not may give us a test. - _______________________________
e) Could you to give me a help ? - ____________________________________
f) Isabelle cans read in English. - _____________________________________
“ God never gives up on loving and helping us! "
video - Can Could May Might (Aula de inglês)

Resposta :



A) N- She can't dance well.

I-can she dance well?

B) N- I couldn't sleep late.

I- Could I sleep late?

C) N- Gabriel may not spend all the money.

I- May Gabriel spand all the money?

D) N- It might not snow in the morning.

I- might It snow in the morning?


A) I may not come here

B) Sarah may win the game

C) May It rain tonight?

D) The teacher may not give us a test

E) Could you give me a help

F) Isabelle can read in English