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Titulo do Texto : The emperor's new clothes

Once upon a time there was an emperor who liked beautiful clothes very much. That was the only thing he used to think about, but he did not realize what his vanity was costing the nation. He cared so much about his wardrobe that he had more tailors than soldiers.

One day, two strangers arrived at the empire’s capital city.
"We are the master tailors of a faraway country. We can make the most beautiful clothes in the world," they said.
"That is fantastic!" the emperor replied.

And they continued: "Our clothes have the magical quality of being invisible to anyone who is stupid or unfit for his office."
The emperor wanted these clothes so he gave them lots of money. But the two strangers just pretended they were making the clothes. The emperor was very curious and sent his prime minister to see how the work was coming along. The prime minister was shocked because he could not see the clothes. But he didn’t
say a word. He was afraid of being stupid. In fact, nobody could see the clothes not even the emperor. But nobody said a word.

At last, the parade day arrived and the emperor went for a walk on the streets wearing what he thought were his new clothes.
People didn’t say anything. The emperor was naked. But suddenly, a little boy said:
"Daddy, the emperor has no clothes on!"
And his father replied: "Be quiet! Don’t be silly!" But the child repeated: "The emperor has no
clothes on!"

Everybody started to laugh and after a while, even the emperor laughed. And the master tailors laughed hardest of all - because they showed that it was more fun to admit you were silly together than to pretend you were wise alone.

me ajude please​