Resposta :
1 - Red fruits
These delicious berries are rich in compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action and thus protect our brain from aging damage. Therefore, they must be consumed regularly. Strawberry, blackberry, grape, raspberry, blueberry… are part of the team.
2 - Peanut
If you are not allergic to this food, you can consume it often (just avoiding, of course, excessive portions). It is rich in good fats, vitamins and minerals dear to the brain. In addition, its cone contains resveratrol, the same protective substance found in wine and grape juice. The advantage of peanuts is that it represents a more affordable alternative.
3 - Dark leaves
Kale and other dark leafy greens should be part of the eating routine. That's because they help us maintain adequate levels of vitamin K. Research suggests that this vitamin also has a special affinity for brain defense. A review of the scientific literature published in the journal Frontiers in Neurology lists at least six different studies that reached the same confusion: a link between nutrient deficiency and reduced cognitive ability in people over 65 years of age.
4 - Saffron (or turmeric)
One of the components of this spice is curcumin, a polyphenol with proven antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. With less free radicals and inflammation in the area, the brain is less prone to the more common degenerative processes with age.
5 - Yoghurt and kefir
We are now talking about fermented foods, those that offer bacteria welcome to our organism. Evidence is mounting that they not only protect the intestines, but also have positive results in the brain.
6 - Nuts
We know that the group of oilseeds (or nuts) cares for the well-being of the brain, but, among this team, the nuts deserve to be highlighted. They are rich in omega-3, a fat that is especially beneficial to neurons, and substances with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action.
7 - Fish
It is not new that it is recognized that the consumption of fish is a wonder for the brain. In addition to protection against neurodegenerative diseases, there is growing evidence that fish rich in omega-3s help prevent and significantly reduce symptoms of depression faster than previously thought.
Os alimentos que mencionei acima ajudam a compor qualquer dieta saudável. Mas eles não funcionam como remédio. Por isso, e especialmente se você já tem algum problema neurológico ou psiquiátrico, sempre alinhe as recomendações com as orientações do seu médico. E nunca pare o tratamento prescrito
*Obs: Me perdoe se mencionei algo errado..!!*