
ACTIVITY A: Observe as dicas entre parênteses. A seguir, complete as frases com os
verbos fornecidos no quadro abaixo.

eat - fly - go - have - help - like live - play - speak - study - walk - watch

1) I ____________________ vídeo games three times a week. (jogo)
2) You ____________________ your parents with the housework. (ajuda)
3) We ____________________ in a big house near the lake. (moramos)
4) You ____________________ in the park every weekend. (caminham)
5) They __________________ English fluently. (falam)
6) Laura and I ____________________ cartoons every day. (assistimos)
7) Sam and Kevin always ____________________ to the mall. (vão)
8) Mrs. Lee’s children often ____________________ cookies for breakfast. (comem)
9) Those people ____________________ many doubts about the use of new cell
phones. (têm)
10) Those girls ____________________ to wear long skirts. (gostam)
11) John and I ____________________ math twice a week. (estudamos)
12) Birds ____________________ around those trees every afternoon. (voam)

ACTIVITY B: As frases abaixo estão na 3ª pessoa do singular. O verbo , portanto,
recebe a terminação s, es ou ies. Observe as dicas entre parênteses. A seguir,
complete as frases com os verbos fornecidos no quadro abaixo.

cries - does - goes - has - kisses - leaves - rises - rains - sleeps - snows - tries - wakes up - washes - wears
1) He ____________________ twelve hours a day. (dorme)
2) She always ____________________ her hands before the meals. (lava)
3) It usually ____________________ in that city. (chove)
4) Mr. Brown ____________________ to work by subway. (vai)
5) Nancy often ____________________ homework in the afternoon. (faz)

6) My dog ____________________ a long tail. (tem)
7) That woman ____________________ to clean her house in the morning. (tenta)
8) Tracy’s baby ____________________ when he is hungry and thirsty. (chora)
9) It ____________________ in Alaska. (neva)
10) Max ____________________ at seven o’clock every day. (acorda)
11) Her sister never ____________________ earrings. (usa)
12) Paul ____________________ his mother goodbye when he
____________________ for school.
(dá um beijo de adeus – sai)
13) The sun __________________ in the east. (nasce)

ACTIVITY C: As frases a seguir estão na forma negativa. Passe-as para a forma
1) I don’t have a dog. I have a dog.
2) You don’t take a shower every day.

3) We don’t want to live in that neighborhood.

4) They don’t spend much money.

5) Bob and I don’t drink milk for breakfast.

6) The children don’t need new toys.

7) Her parents don’t watch the news in the evening.

8) He doesn’t speak German. He speaks German.

9) She doesn’t buy expensive clothes.

10) It doesn’t rain in that city every summer.

11) Mr. Sullivan doesn’t teach math.

12) Barbara doesn’t wait for the bus near the club.

13) Joan’s cat doesn’t have a brown fur.

14) Peter doesn’t study in a big school.

ACTIVITY D: As frases a seguir estão na forma interrogativa. Passe-as para a forma

1) Do I need to help you? I need to help you.

2) Do you visit your grandparents once a month?

3) Do we have to read the instructions carefully?

4) Do they write beautiful poems?

5) Do Charles and I go to the club every Saturday?

6) Do your sisters often talk on the phone?

7) Do the children have dinner at seven o’clock?

8) Does he go to the food court every Friday? He goes to the food court every Friday.

9) Does she brush her teeth three times a day?
10) Does the sun shine brightly in summer?

11) Does Mr. Freeman teach in that school?

12) Does his sister love chocolate?

13) Does Tony’s little brother cry all the time?

14) Does the school library open in the evening?

Resposta :


A: 1) play 2) help 3) live 4) walk 5) speak 6) watch 7) go 8) eat 9) have 10) like 11) study 12) fly

B: 1) sleeps 2) washes 3) rains 4) goes 5) does 6) has 7) tries 8) cries 9) snows 10) wakes up 11) wears 12) kisses/leaves 13) rises

C: 2) You take a shower every day 3) We want to live in that neighborhood 4) They spend much money 5) Bob and I drink milk for breakfast 6) The children need new toys 7) Her parents watch the news in the evening 8) He speaks German 9) She buys expensive clothes 10) It rains in that city every summer 11) Mr. Sullivan teaches math 12) Barbara waits for the bus near the club 13) Joan's cat has a brown fur 14) Peter studies in a big school

D: 1) I need to help you 2) You visit your grandparents once a month 3) We have to read the instructions carefully 4) They write beautiful poems 5) Charles and I go to the club every Saturday 6) Your sisters often talk on the phone 7) The children have dinner at seven o’clock 8) He goes to the food court every Friday 9) She brushes her teeth three times a day 10) The sun shines brightly in summer 11) Mr. Freeman teaches in that school 12) His sister loves chocolate 13) Tony’s little brother cries all the time 14) The school library opens in the evening


Espero ter ajudado :)

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