
2. read the poster. complete the sentences whit the words the box.

the poster...

a. is in a _______
b. is for________
c. helps people learn______
d. gives_______​

2 Read The Poster Complete The Sentences Whit The Words The Boxthe Postera Is In A B Is Forc Helps People Learnd Gives class=

Resposta :


  • A. Is in a classroom ?

  • B. Is for students ?

  • C. Helps people learn English

  • D. Gives commands

⟩ As regras exitem, para facilitar o convívio entre as pessoas, o conjunto de normas desse lugar é construído com base nos valores em que aquela instituição escolar acredita.

Por isso, respeitar as regras e o estabelecer limites têm uma função estruturante desde que sejam claros, coerentes, firmes, constantes e consequentes.

⟩ The rules help make everyone's time in school more enjoyable.

» Other important rules:

  • Ask questions.

  • Respect and listen to your classmates.

  • Respect and listen to the teacher.

  • Raise your hand to speak.

  • Be prepared for class.

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°Bons estudos!

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