
Assinale a alternativa que corresponde à forma negativa da sentença: ‘She is going to the movies.” *

She not is going to the movies.
Is she going to the movies?
She is not going to the movies.​

Resposta :


She is not going to the movies


Em frases negativas, usamos o not depois do verbo to be


She not is going to the movies.

Is she going to the movies?

She is not going to the movies.

⇒⇒  ''be going to''

>> Future with going to >> futuro certo - Uma ação que foi planejada e é certeza que irá acontecer.


verb to be + going to + verbo forma base

  • She is going to move to a new house tomorrow.
  • They are going to clean the room tonight.
  • I am going to the grocery in the afternoon.
  • David is going to arrive late today.


verb to be + NOT + going to + verbo forma base

  • She is not going to move to a new house tomorrow.
  • They are not going to clean the room tonight.
  • I am not going to the grocery in the afternoon.
  • David is not going to arrive late today.


verb to be + sujeito + going to + verbo forma base + ?

  • Is she going to move to a new house tomorrow?
  • Are they  going to clean the room tonight?
  • Am I going to the grocery in the afternoon?
  • Is  David going to arrive late today

[tex]Learn \: more:[/tex]

  • https://brainly.com.br/tarefa/40673963

  • https://brainly.com.br/tarefa/40673963