ANONYMEON ANONYMEON Inglês Respondido Food is very important. We need to eat fruits, vegetablesand meat to be in good health. We have to drink water, milkand juices too. We have coffee and milk, fruit, juice, cheese,jam, toast, cookies, bread and butter for breakfast. Forlunch or dinner, we eat rice, beans, eggs, vegetables, saladand one kind of meat: beef, chicken, fish or pork. Afterthese meals, we have a dessert: fruit, pudding, pie, ice cream,fruit salad or sweets.Responda em INGLÊS de acordo o texto:Questão 6. Quais sobremesas são citadas no textoacima:(A) Fruit, pudding, pie, bread, fruit salad or sweets.(B) Fruit, pudding, pie, ice cream, carrot, salad or sweets.(C) Fruit, pudding, pie, ice cream, fruit salad or sweets.(D) Fruit, butter, pie, ice cream, fruit salad or sweets.Questão 7. Quais são os alimentos utilizados no almoço e no jantar:(A) Pudding, beans, eggs, vegetables, salad, beef, chicken, fish or pork.(B) Bread, beans, eggs, vegetables, grapes, beef, chicken, fish or pork.(C) Rice, butter, eggs, vegetables, salad, beef, chicken, fish or pork.(D) Rice, beans, eggs, vegetables, salad, beef, chicken, fish or pork.Questão 8.Qual sua comida favorita? responda em Inglês