
Assinale a única alternativa em que a frase está escrita INCORRETAMENTE do ponto de vista de sua estrutura: *

A- They are going to play soccer tomorrow.

B- Will you eat a pizza?

C- Joana will paint her bedroom.

D- Peter not is going to drink milkshake.

Resposta :

⇒⇒  Simple future

A- They are going to play soccer tomorrow. >>  correta

B- Will you eat a pizza?  >>  correta

C- Joana will paint her bedroom. >>  correta

D- Peter not is going to drink milkshake.  >>  incorreta

    Peter is not going to drink milkshake.  >>  correta    

⇒⇒ Simple future com ''will'' >> tempo verbal para falar sobre um futuro sem confirmação, futuro incerto - não planejado


sujeito + will + verbo + complemento  

I will go to the park tomorrow.  

She will ride a bike next Sunday.

⇒⇒ Simple future com ''going to'' >>> O futuro com ''going to'' indica que o futuro foi planejado e é certeza de que vai acontecer.  

→  Affirmative

sujeito + am/is/ are + going to + verbo  

I am going to visit my parents next weekend.  

The kids are going to play soccer tomorrow.  

David is going to work on Sunday.  

Learn more

→→  brainly.com.br/tarefa/27907913

→→  brainly.com.br/tarefa/30132029


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