
On a beautiful summer afternoon, a smiling mother duck guarding her nest of eggs that were about to snap: "Cric, crac", made the first egg. "Cric, crac", made one after another, all the eggs of the brood. The shells left and five beautiful yellow ducklings went back outside. "How beautiful you are!" Said the mother.
But lacked an egg! It was larger and darker than the others and kept closed. The mother duck was worried, but finally, he also began to pop. "Pac! Made by breaking the shell:
The mother was very surprised to see that baby.
"There is nothing like brothers!" Said the duck.
"It's so big, the feat
"It's hideous!", Said the five ducklings.
"Patience! You will be more beautiful when it is big! "Sighed to the lake to learn to swim.
One afternoon, looking at the sky, the ugly duckling saw some wonderful white birds preparing to land. "How beautiful they are! I would fly with them away from here! "He thought, and decided to go in search of a better place to stay.
The duck wandered a bit around the World, alone, sad, hungry. A day came to a farm where they lived a chicken and a cat.
hers are gray and the bill is huge!" Chorused the ducks from the farm.
the mother, and took the ducklings
Days passed, but for the ugly duckling were not happy days. The brothers pecked him, cats teased him, and the other five ducklings had fun scaring him.

"Come," they told him, "If you want you can stay with us."
All content, the ugly duckling accepted, but their joy did not last long. "You
know lay eggs?" Asked the hen.
"No," said the duck.
"You know purr?" Asked the cat.
"No," replied again.
"Then go away, because you are stupid and do not serves for nothing." "Sad
and disconsolate, the ugly duckling turned to wander alone.
At one point he thought he saw something shining behind the leaves of a bush ... It was
a lake! Approached and was amazed!
Ali swam happily the same white birds that had once seen in the sky to fly. The
duck could not resist. I wanted to join them at all costs.
"I do not care if they send me to peck away," he thought.
But no one hurt him. The birds were beautiful to him and received him joyfully.
The Ugly Duckling, very shy, bowed his head and saw his mirror image in the water. Noticed then that was not ugly and clumsy, but had become a stately white bird, a beautiful white swan!
It was the happiest day of your life!
1- The text is:
a) Review.
b) Tale.
c) Fable.
d) Comic It’s characteristic of the text:
a) Tell a fable.
b) Tell a note.
c) To be sad.
d) Tell a story.
3- In this text:
a) The ugly duckling was unhappy.
b) The ugly duckling was happy.
c) The ugly duckling was tired.
d) The ugly duckling had three hoofs.
4- The source of this text is:
a) In the book.
b) In the magazine.
c) In the internet.
d) In the book for child.
5- In the sentence: “"Patience! You will be more beautiful when it is big! "Sighed the mother, and took the ducklings to the lake to learn to swim.” The underlined word can be replaced by:
a) Calm.
b) Press.
Impatience. d) Walk.

6- In the sentence: “The duck wandered a bit around the World, alone, sad, hungry. A day came to a farm where they lived a chicken and a cat. "Come," they told him, "If you want you can stay with us." The underlined word refers to:
a) The day and the world.
b) The duck and the chicken
c) The duck and the cat.
d) The chicken and the cat.
7- In
duckling saw some wonderful white birds preparing to land.” The underlined expression gives idea of:
the sentence: “One afternoon, looking at the sky, the ugly
a) Addition.
b) Time.
c) Opposition.
d) Conclusion.
8- In the sentence: “But lacked an egg! It was larger and darker than the others and kept closed. The mother duck was worried, but finally, he also began to pop.” The underlined expression shows that:
a) There was an egg more beautiful than others.
b) There was an egg smaller than others.
c) There was an egg different than others.
d) There was an egg dirty.
9- In the sentence: “On a beautiful summer afternoon, a smiling mother duck guarding her nest of eggs that were about to snap: "Cric, crac", made the first egg. ” The underlined words mean that:
a) The egg is breaking.
b) The egg is smiling.
c) The egg is laying.
d) The egg is shaking.