
1ª Questão - Complete as frases a seguir com os substantivos entre parênteses, adicionando (‘s) ou apenas o (‘) ao substantivo de cada frase. Observe o exemplo:

Exemplo: We are having a children’s party on Sunday. (children)

a. Do you know John? He’s _________________________ father. (David and Steve)

b. I borrowed _________________________ car. (James)

c. My _________________________ family is very artistic. (sister-in-law)

d. _________________________ fathers are both architects. (Bob and Jane)

2ª Questão - Reescreva as frases a seguir usando (‘s) ou ( ‘ ). Observe o exemplo:

Exemplo: What is the name of your mother? What is your mother’s name?

a. What is the favorite pastime of your parents? ________________________________________________

b. What is the new film of the actress? ________________________________________________

c. What is the job of your father-in-law? ________________________________________________

d. Which are the cars of Pedro and Paulo? ________________________________________________

3ª Questão - De acordo com as regras do (‘s) Marque um “X” na frase correta.

a. ( ) This is the doctors’ office. b. ( ) This is the doctor’s office.

a. ( ) The beautiful womens’ house. b. ( ) The beautiful women’s house.

a. ( ) My fathers’ watch. b. ( ) My father’s watch.

a. ( ) The boys’ school. b. ( ) The boy’s school.

a. ( ) The childrens’ aunt is her. b. ( ) The children’s aunt is her.

a. ( ) The girls’ bathroom is over there. b. ( ) The girl’s bathroom is over there.

a. ( ) The boy’s madness. b. ( ) The boys madness.

a. ( ) The cats’ beds. b. ( ) The cats’s beds.

a. ( ) The babies’ smiles. b. ( ) The babie’s smiles.

4ª Questão - Escreva “V” para as afirmações verdadeiras e “F” para as afirmações falsas.

a. ( ) O (‘s) é acrescentado a um possuidor no singular ou no plural, desde que não termine em “s”.

b. ( ) Quando há mais de um possuidor da mesma coisa, somente o último é seguido de (‘s).

c. ( ) Se cada possuidor possui sua própria coisa, cada possuidor é seguido de (‘s).

d. ( ) Usa-se apenas o apóstrofo (‘) se o substantivo estiver no plural com a terminação (s).

e. ( ) O (‘S) também é usado para indicar lojas, consultórios e corpos celestes.

f. ( ) O (‘S) Não pode ser usado quando se referir a expressões de tempo.

g. ( ) O ( ‘ ) Não pode ser usado depois de nomes e sobrenomes que terminam com a letra “S”.

5ª Questão - Marque a alternativa correta nas questões a seguir.

a) He is my ____

a. ( ) brother-in-law’s c. ( ) brother’s-in law

b. ( ) brother-in’s-law d. ( ) brother-in-law

b) She bought the ____ food.

a. ( ) dog’s c. ( ) of dog’s

b. ( ) dog d. ( ) of the dog

c) Have you seen those ____ dresses?

a. ( ) lady’s c. ( ) ladies’s

b. ( ) ladies’ d. ( ) ladye’s

d) I like ____ plays.

a. ( ) Sophocles’s c. ( ) Sophocles

b. ( ) Sophofocles’ d. ( ) of Sophocles

e) Here you have ____ grades.

a. ( ) James’ c. ( ) James’s

b. ( ) of James’ d. ( ) James

f) There are my _______ toys.

a. ( ) children c. ( ) child’s

b. ( ) children’s d. ( ) “b” and “c” estão corretas

g) It’s is ____ house.

a. ( ) Ana’s c. ( ) Anas’s

b. ( ) Ana’ d. ( ) Ana

Resposta :

1 - Steve's




3 a - (b) doctor's

b- (b) women's

c - (b) father's

d - (b) boy's

e - (b) children's

f - (b) girl's

g - (a) boy's

h - (a) cats'

I- ( a) babies'

5- a (d)

b (a)

c (a)

d (a)

e (a)

f (d)

g (a)

desculpe não ajudar com o restante:(<3