Negative form (Forma negatival Na forma negativa é só acrescentar o not após o verbo to be. Veja como fica tanto na forma sem contração, quanto com contração: I am not a teacher - I'm not a teacher. You are not a student. - You're not a student. He is not happy. - He's not happy. She is not great. - She's not great. It is not a nice dog. - It's not a nice dog. We are not friends. - We're not friends. You are not here. - You're not here. They are not doctors. - They're not doctors. 1. Com base na explicação e exemplos acima, marque a alternativa que apresenta colocação correta da forma negativa do verbo to be: A) Person a morning not I am. B) I am not a morning person. C) Not a morning I am a person D) I am morning not person a. E) Alam person not morning POSSESSIVO