Resposta :
⇒⇒ Used to + infinitivo
A- Jack doesn’t travel much now. He used to travel a lot 10 years ago. (to travel)
B- I used to take the bus to school. Now I drive. (to take)
C- When you lived in NY city, did you use to go to the Time Square very often? (to go)
D- We moved to Paris a few years ago. We used to live in Rome. (to live)
E- I rarely eat junk food now, but I used to eat it when I was child. (to eat)
⇒⇒ Used to + verbo infinitivo >>> costumava fazer algo no passado e não faz mais no presente
My father used to teach me Grammar when I was younger.
Meu pai costumava me ensinar gramática quando eu era mais jovem.
John used to drive fast when he lived in London.
John costumava dirigir rápido quando ele morava em Londres.
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