
Mark true or false - verdadeiro ou falso

A) Jacob and Bella are doctors ()

B) Jacob Bella work at the same hospital every day ()

C) Charles is a dentist ()

D) Charles and Maya love ther teacher ()

E)Maya is a lawyer ()

F) Jacob and Bella work at a hospital ()

G)Rose os a namy​

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A) Jacob and Bella are doctors (V)

B) Jacob Bella work at the same hospital every day (V)

C) Charles is a dentist (F)

D) Charles and Maya love ther teacher (V)

E)Maya is a lawyer (F)

F) Jacob and Bella work at a hospital (V)

G)Rose os a nanny​ (V)


1. Text

Jacob is a doctor, and he is married to Bella who is a nurse. They work at the same hospital every day, and have very little time to take care of their children, so they have a nanny who helps them at home. Their nanny's name is Rose. Rose is a calm and friendly woman who takes care of Charles and Maya.

Charles and Maya go to school in the morning and they love their teachers. The school's principal says that Charles and Maya are so happy every time they arrive at school. When the bus driver arrives to pick them up, they are always laughing and playing.

These kids love to study too, and Maya says she doesn't want to be a doctor or a nurse, she wants to be an engineer; and Charles says he wants to be a lawyer or a veterinarian, or maybe a dentist.

Jacob and Bella are happy that their kids are so nice!


Jacob é médico e casado com Bella, que é enfermeira. Eles trabalham no mesmo hospital todos os dias e têm muito pouco tempo para cuidar dos filhos, por isso têm uma babá que os ajuda em casa. O nome da babá deles é Rose. Rose é uma mulher calma e amigável que cuida de Charles e Maya.

Charles e Maya vão para a escola pela manhã e amam seus professores. O diretor da escola diz que Charles e Maya ficam muito felizes toda vez que chegam à escola. Quando o motorista do ônibus chega para buscá-los, eles estão sempre rindo e brincando.

Essas crianças também adoram estudar e Maya diz que não quer ser médica ou enfermeira, mas sim engenheira; e Charles diz que quer ser advogado ou veterinário, ou talvez dentista.

Jacob e Bella estão felizes que seus filhos sejam tão legais!