
3 - Circule o pronome correto: Observe: o pronome sujeito é usado no início da frase e o pronome objeto
usado no meio ou no final da frase.
a) She / Him is sitting in the garden.
b) The postman gave they / me four letters
c) My brother will go to the cinema with she/her.
d) The teacher is not speaking to we/us
e) Margarida telephoned we/ us yesterday.
f) Helen will go to the shops with you/he.
g) Mr. Brown will go to his office with she/he.
h) He/Him is speaking to you and I /me
i) We/Us are in Teresina.
j) My mother saw Susan and he/you in the mall
k) Yesterday Daniel went to the cinema but 1/ her stayed at home.
l) Him/He brought flowers to Her / she​

Resposta :

⇒⇒  Subject pronouns

⇒⇒  Object pronouns

a) She is sitting in the garden.

b) The postman gave me four letters

c) My brother will go to the cinema with her.

d) The teacher is not speaking to  us.

e) Margarida telephoned  us yesterday.

f) Helen will go to the shops with you.

g) Mr. Brown will go to his office with her.

h) He is speaking to you and me.

i) We are in Teresina.

j) My mother saw Susan and you in the mall.

k) Yesterday Daniel went to the cinema but I stayed at home.

l) He  brought flowers to her.

⇒⇒  Subject Pronouns >>> usado para substituir os nomes próprios e/ou substantivos. Aparecem quase sempre no início das frases e sempre antes dos verbos ou preposições.



I       >>> eu

You >>> você

He   >>> ele

She >>> ela

It     >>> coisas, animais


We    >>> nós >> plural de '' I ''

You   >>> vocês

They >>> eles/elas >>> plural de he - she - it

⇒⇒  Object Pronouns  >>   Podem vir depois de um verbo (like, por exemplo) ou depois de uma preposição (''to'' por exemplo).


He doesn't like me.

Ele não gosta de mim.


I need to talk to you

Eu preciso falar com você.


I told her to wake up earlier.

Eu falei para ela acordar cedo.


Why don't you talk to him anymore?

Por que você não fala mais com ele?


I watched ''The Lion King''. I really loved it.

Eu assisti ''Rei Leão''. Eu realmente amei (isso/ele).


You shouldn't lie to us, son.

Você não deveria mentir para nós, filho.


Paul wants to talk to you today.

Paul quer falar com vocês hoje.


I don't want to travel with them.

Eu não quero viajar com eles.  

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