
Complete as alternativas abaixo com o “Passado Contínuo” passando o verbo em parênteses para a afirmativa, negativa ou interrogativa:
a) _____ he__________
l____ to music? (listen)
b) I ________________________ a very pleasant book last night. (read/negativa)
c) ________________________ they________________________ together yesterday? (work)
d) I ________________________ in Boston when we met. (live)​

Resposta :

⇒⇒  Past continuous

a) Was  he listening to music?  (listen)

b) I wasn't reading a very pleasant book last night. (read/negativa)

c) Were they working together yesterday? (work)

d) I was living in Boston when we met. (live)

→→ Past continuous >> tempo verbal para falar sobre situações e ações contínuas, ou seja, que estavam acontecendo no passado, ao mesmo tempo em que outra situação acontecia/tinha acabado de acontecer.

Estrutura afirmativa

was / were + verbo -ing + complemento

We were studying English when Liz called me. >> Nós  estávamos estudando inglês quando a Liz me ligou.

Lucy was driving her new car when she saw John. >> Lucy estava dirigindo seu carro novo quando ela viu o John.

Estrutura negativa

was not / were not + verbo -ing + complemento

We were not studying last night.

I was not working at the Mall.

Estrutura interrogativa

was / were + sujeito + verbo -ing + complemento

Were you working when I called you?

Was she washing the dishes in the morning.

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→→ brainly.com.br/tarefa/25746296