Cite 2 frases do texto que stejam no FUTURO * CHOOSING YOUR CARREER 1-READ. How are you going to choose your future career? Everyone wants to do something interesting. So why not make a career of your hobby? Read about three teens with plans to do exactly that I love football, and I want to be a referee. It's outdoors, and it isn't repetitive, so it's perfect I don't want to continue studying. After school, I'm going to get a job and take the referee exams in my free time I already referee children's matches at my football club. This summer, I'm going to do a three week referee course." Juan. 16. Spain "After university, I want to be a journalist so I'm going to study journalism at university. 'lt isn't going to be easy, but I want to do something interesting, travel a bit, and meet new people 'And I don't want to sit in an office all day. I already write articles for our online school magazine and next year I'm going to join a writers' club.' Amy. 15, UK 'I love music, so I'm going to be a sound engineer and work in music studios and at concerts It's perfect for me because I play the guitar, and I like electronicthings. I'm a night person, and I work well with others. This summer, I'm going work at a music festival. When I leave school. I hope to study at Dublin University.' Carl, 17, Ireland​