
read the text below and answer questions 1 to 4 .
" education with functions as on instrument which is used to facilitate integratian of the younger generation into the logic of the logic of the present system and bring about conformity or it becames the practice of freedom, the means by which men and women deal critically and creatively with reality and descover how to partipate in transformation of their world".
1) to paulo freire, education.
a: ( ) functions with a sole objective.
b: ( ) can act just as a means of integrating youth into the logic of the the present system.
c: ( ) can turn people free, só that each individual is able to dial place to live in .
d: ( ) functions with two abjectives that other.

2) scan the text and find two examples of words formed with the suffix that corresponds to- mente , in portuguese and four other words formed with the suffix that corresponds to- ação, in portuguese.

3) scan the text and find find the worlds to which it refers, on line 4. then find the words to which their refers on the last line.

4) scan the text and find descoure markers used to express the fallowing ideias: alternative, manner, addtion .

mim ajuda a responde essa questões.

Resposta :

B) because this is your Dad