
Valentine was a priest who lived in the Middle Age. The emperor Claudio I had prohibited marriage during the
war because he believed that single soldiers were better combatants. Priest Valentine started to marry the soldiers and their
beloved ones in secret. He was sentenced to death when the emperor had found it out. In prison he fell in love with the Jaller's
blind daughter, who was able to see again miraculously. Before dying, on February 14th in 269 A.D., the priest left her a note
saying: "From your Valentine",
1. Sobre o que fala o texto?​

Resposta :

O texto fala sobre o padre Valentine que realizava casamentos em período proibido , o padre acabou sendo condenado , na prisão , apaixonou-se pela filha cega do carcereiro , que acabou milagrosamente enxergando novamente .Antes de morrer o padre deixou um bilhete escrito " de seus namorados "