
Your habit of Googling your symptoms is bad for your healthBy - TNNCreated: Oct 23, 2018, 17:42 IST What is the first thing you do when you start feeling under the weather? Do you wait for the symptoms to become moreprominent or do you immediately start taking precautions? If you are like us, you probably Google your symptoms on theweb.In addition to incorrect diagnoses, self-diagnosing your symptoms using Google can actually mask a potentially dangerousdisease. So, apart from the sketchy and inaccurate diagnosis of innumerable medical websites on the internet, it is therisk of not being able to identify a disease correctly that is worse. De acordo com o texto, ferramentas de busca como o Google não devem ser usadas para procurar sintomas de doenças. O trecho “So, apart from the sketchy and inaccurate diagnosis(…)” indica uma:

A) Contradição.
B) Adição.
C) Conclusão.
D) Negação.​

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Acho que a C / Conclusão


Portanto, além do diagnóstico incompleto e impreciso

essa frase indica a conclusão de que o diagnóstico foi incompleto e impreciso