Resposta :
2.Write the correct form of regular verbs in the simple past
A) Worked - Played - Used
B) Asked - Listened – Opened
D) Talked - Cried – Closed
3. Assinale a alternativa correta para o Simple Past dos verbos irregulares:
drive, forget e got.
a) drive; forgot; got
b) driven; forgotten; get
c) driven; forgotten; gotten
d) drove; forget; get
e) drove; forgot; got (X)
4.Complete as lacunas com os verbos entre parênteses conjugados no Simple Past:
a) She goes(go) to the shopping mall.
b) Marisa didn't want(want/not) a ride.
c) Your parents made (make) a cake.
d) Did you talk (you talk) to his friends?
e) Sofia and Jane were (be) at the party.