
Copie os exercícios abaixo no caderno e responda de acordo com a revisão do verbo to be no passado. Traduza as frases dos dois exercícios no caderno também:

He _________ a little child.
They ______ playing football.
Yesterday we ________ not a home.
My friend _________ absent yesterday.
All my friends __________ invited to my birthday party.
I__________ late to school.

Copie e responda com has have ou had e traduza:
Our techer Lisa ____________ a new purse.
My friend _______ a bag.
Luis _________ a brother and a sister.
I wish, we ________ a car before.
She ______ many friends.
You _____ nice shirt.
The cair _______ four legs.
Ivan ______ six marbles.
Elis ________ a Barbie doll when she was a kid.
Rajesh ______ a pet dog when he was a boy.
Ana _______ a bicycle.
The boys ________ a cricket bat.
The girls ____________ a party yesterday.

Resposta :

Resposta: He WAS a child.

They WERE playing football.

Yesterday we ________ is not a home. (esta eu não sei,me desculpe.)

My friend WAS absent yesterday.

All my friends WERE invited to my birthday party.

I was late for school.

On Learnings: Outras perguntas