

This = este, esta, isto
These= estes, estas
That= aquela, aquele, aquilo, esse, essa, isso
Those= aqueles, aquelas, esses, essas

Near= perto
Far = longe

Complete the rules with near or far.

This and these are for things that are NEAR.
That and those are for things that are FAR.


We can use the contracted form of be with that (= that's), but not with this, these or those.

Demonstratives this, that, these, those.

1- ________ is my MP3 player.(near)
2-_________ are my parents.(near)
3- ________ is my dog.(far)
4- ________ is my house.(near)
5-________ are my DVDs .(far)
6- _________ is my brother.(far)
7- __________ are my games consoles.(near)
8-________ is an awesome cell phone.(far)