IZIIIIION IZIIIIION Inglês Respondido 1. _______________ you speak English?2. _______________ Joanne speak English?3. Where _______________ they live?4. Where _______________ Jack work?5. What _______________ she do for a living?6. What _______________ Mike and Michelle do for a living?7. _______________ you think they’re going to help us?8. _______________ Mary think her father’s going to help her?9. How _______________ like your coffee?10. How _______________ he like his coffeeI _______________ not like living here.2. Mary and John _______________ not work here anymore.3. Sarah _______________ not speak English.4. Richard _______________ not play soccer on Mondays.5. We _______________ not go out very often.6. You _______________ not have to do this.7. She _______________ not like pizza.8. They _______________ not study Spanish anymore.9. Susan, Paul, and I _______________ not work there any longer.10. I _______________ not think this is rightC- ESCOLHA 8 FRASES DO QUADDRO NA ESQUERDA E REESCREVA NO ”SIMPLE PAST“ DO VERBO TO DO.8 FRASES DO QUADDRO NA ESQUERDA E REESCREVA NO ”SIMPLE PAST“ DO VERBO TO DO.​