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Savant syndrome
Savant Syndrome is rare condition specific to individuals with neurodevelopmental disorders, such as autism and Asperger syndrome. People with this condition are extremely talented in music, painting, calculations, cartography, and constructing 3D models.
Savants can instantly calculate multiplications of 3-digit numbers or name the day of the week of May 5, 3017. Stephen Wiltshire drew a detailed map of London after only one flight over the city.
Many people call savants geniuses, and they possess extreme talents in some spheres. But despite these " islets of genius," patients can show inferiority, including mental retardation. A famous example of a savant is Forrest Gump from the novel by Winston Groom.

a) O que é a Síndrome de Savant?
b) O que um portador desta síndrome é capaz de fazer?​

Resposta :


Explicação:(A) A Síndrome de Savant ou Síndrome do Sábio porque Savant em francês significa sábio, é um distúrbio psíquico raro onde a pessoa possui graves défices intelectuais.

(B) as pessoas com esta síndrome demonstram grande facilidade para os trabalhos artísticos, a saber: desenhos, pinturas e esculturas.