
ajuda urgente

Lack of privacy
Everyone agrees that privacy is a human being’s priceless right. But,
nowadays, it is getting more and more difficult to have it.
Computers, eletronic toll booths, credit cards, mobile phones and cash
machines are all related to lack of privacy, because they help people and the
state trace your movements. Remenber they are always watching you! Use
cash when you can; do not give your phone number, social security number
or adress, unless you absolutely have to; do not fill in questionnaires or
respond to telemarketers; keep your phone number unlisted; never use
eletronic toll booths on roads; never leave your mobile phone on – your
movements can be traced; do not use credit cards; be careful with the
Internet. Does this sound paranoid to you? In fact, it is the advice offered by
today’s privacy campaigners.

(Adapted from Speak Up, March 2000.)

agree, to – concordar keep, to - manter
human being – ser humano careful – cuidadoso
priceless – sem preço advice - conselho
lack – falta trace, to - rastrear
campaigner – aquele que faz parte de uma campanha

1. Retire do texto as palavras que significam:

a. Pagamento em dinheiro: ____________________
b. Hoje em dia: ______________________________
c. A menos que: _____________________________

Resposta :



a)Use  cash

b) nowadays

c)unless you absolutely have to.