Resposta :
Marilyn Monroe had a big impact on women’s beauty. She had created new trends and a new ideal on what it meant to be called beautiful.
Appearing feminine and flawless was a trend in 40's and 50's and it was on full blast in the 60's as well. Marilyn Monroe was a product that was created by hollywood to appear to be beautiful. Full makeup, glamorous hair, and a curvy body was what was considered beautiful. Others were like her but she had been the one that popped out and was a leading figure for this beauty standard.
The face is one part of beauty and the other is the body. Being thin meant that the person had a good body back then but Marilyn Monroe was different. She had a very curvy body with an hourglass figure. She would wear tight clothes to show off her curves and made sure to show a bit of skin to add that sexy touch. This changed the thoughts of society.
Due to her, people now think that curvy people are just as beautiful.