Short bread cookies sliced baguette or landinger og Agora voud val colocar os números de la centrs ou carentemen pemandem a ceva tanar por primeiro assim você estara organizando a receita Veu dar um to como exemple Directions Spoon 14 cup chocolate-haremut spread each into two 12-ounce rates and smooth to make an even layer Beat the cream cheese heavy cream, sugar and vanilla in a bowl with a mixerunt tight and numy about 3 minutes Divide half of the cream cheese mixture between the 2 jars then top each with a handful of raspbemos Serve with cookies or baguette slices or cover the jars with lids and pack them to go (The spread can be made the night before cover refrigerate and return to room temperature before serving) Repeat with the remaining chocolate-hazelnut spread, cream cheese mature and raspberries 10 que significa a frase 1 teaspoon vanilla extract" ? a) Juma colher de sopa de extrato de bauniha boluma colher de cha de extrato de baunilha. 2) As palavras layer cup e bowl significam, respectivamente Tigela copa e camada b) camada, xícara o tigela