
RAPIDO È PRA HJ 2) Complete o texto com o Simple Past dos verbos.CLEAN TEETH FOR A DIRTY JOB.
This strange count ______ (live) in the old castle Bran in Transylvania (Romania). He _______ (build) his castle on the hill, in the middle of the forest.
He _______ (go) to work when other people were sleeping. He always ________ (wake) up at 11 in the evening, _______ (have) no breakfast at all, but ________ (take) a cold shower and _______ (get) dressed. He carefully ________ (brush) his teeth. His teeth ________ (be) the most important for his job!
He _______ (start) working at midnight and __________ (come) back home in the morning. He ________ (think) his job is very interesting. He _________ (visit) many homes and ________ (meet) beautiful young women. He ________ (drink) their blood. He _____ (be) never hungry when he returned back home so he never ________ (eat). By the way he _________ (hate) garlic. Count ________ (sleep) in a coffin.
He __________ (become) a legend all over the world. The best horror movies are filmed after him. The first movie was made in 1920. There are more than 200 movies about him.

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nao pedi ajuda pra agente pedi ajuda pra sua professora quando for muito dificil e nem vai dar tempo mesmo ue faser oque ne

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