
Complete as orações abaixo com IN, ON ou AT . Depois marque a resposta correta: I always keep some extra money __ my bag in case ofemergencies. Do you live ___ a house or ___an apartment? She grew up ___ a farm. I read about it ___ the newspaper. *​

Resposta :


i always keep some extra money in my bag in case of emergencies. do you live in a house or in an apartment? she grew up in a farm. i read about it at the newspaper.

espero ter ajudado. caso esteja errado, desculpe


I always keep some extra money in my bag in case of emergencies. do you live in a house or in an apartment? she grew up in a farm. i read about it at the newspaper.

Explicação: Expero ter ajudado:)

On Learnings: Outras perguntas