
PRECISO PARA HOJE Agora que você já sabe quais são os verbos regulares e irregulares mais usados em inglês, teste seus conhecimentos com os exercícios abaixo.
Para facilitar a resolução dos exercícios, traduzir a frase.
1. Assinale a alternativa que corretamente preenche as lacunas I, II e III das frases a seguir:
He __________(I) me a favor 2 months ago.
They __________(II) an attempt to escape.
I __________(III) an important decision last night.
a) did – made – made b) made – did – made
c) did – made – did d) made – made – made
e) made – did – did

2. In Text 8, most of the verbs in Portuguese are conjugated in the past tense, such as “chegou”, “enamorou-se” e “resistiu”. Complete the following text using the correct past tense conjugation of the verbs in parenthesis in English:
Last night Susan (go) ____________ to her friend’s birthday party. She (dance) ____________ with her boyfriend, and (eat) ____________ cake. After they (leave) ____________ the party, Susan and her boyfriend (decide) ____________ to go and watch a movie at the theater. They (see) ____________ the new Transformer’s movie, and then they went home. When she (get) ____________ home, Susan (take) ____________ a shower and (fall) ____________ asleep quickly.
Choose the correct option from the ones listed below:
a) go/dance/eat/leave/decide/see/get/take/fall.
b) went/danced/ate/left/decided/saw/got/took/fell.
c) will go/will dance/will eat/will leave/will decide/will see/will get/will take/will fall.
d) had gone/had danced/had eaten/had left/had decided/had seen/had gotten/had taken/had fallen.

3. Assinale a alternativa na qual todas as palavras são formas verbais relativas ao passado.
a) Adopted, become, decided, recognized, ruled. b) Adopted, allow, become, recognized, ruled.
c) Approved, became, been, decided, ruled. d) Allow, approved, became, decided, may.
e) Can, debated, entitled, made, offered.

4. Escreva os verbos abaixo no Simple Past (passado simples) e indique suas respectivas traduções.
a) Learn_________________
b) Miss_________________
c) Know_________________
d) Break_________________
e) Keep_________________

5. Escolha a alternativa onde consta o Past Participle (particípio passado) dos verbos to be, to bear e to become:
a) was; bore; became
b) was; born; became
c) been; born; become
d) been; bore; become
e) been; born; became