
1-      Read the cartoon and write  TRUE or FALSE.

I.        The teacher decided to do texting after the students had sent a message asking him to do so.

II.       The teacher did not know how to text.

III.     The stdents received the teacher’s message.

IV.    The student didn’t  understand the language the teacher used in that message.

V.      The students knew that GR8 means great.

VI.    At least one of the students was surprised to receive that message.

a)       (     ) F- T- T -F – T – T

b)      (     ) F- F- T -F – T - T

c)       (     ) T- F- T -T – T - T

d)      (     ) F- F- T -F – F – F

Choose the best alternative about Simple Past, Present Perfect and Past Perfect.​

1 Read The Cartoon And Write TRUE Or FALSEI The Teacher Decided To Do Texting After The Students Had Sent A Message Asking Him To Do SoII The Teacher Did Not Kn class=

Resposta :


b)      (x) F- F- T -F – T - T

|.O professor que deu a iniciativa de mandar o e-mail para os alunos como podemos ver from teacher.

||.Podemos ver que o professor não sabe so como escrever mas usa até abreviações.

|V. Vemos que os alunos entenderam a mensagem do professor e a tirinha ja mostra os alunos escrevendo o e-mail de volta ao professor.

espero ter ajudado