
Escrever uma carta para um amigo contando uma viagem que você fez. Nessa carta você vai comentar sobre suas atividades. OBSERVE O EXEMPLO:

"Hi Mike,

I want to tell you that mey trip to Israel was amazing. I WAS TAKING many pictures WHEN I ARRIVED at the hotel;
I VISITED Tel Aviv, Jerusalém and Haifa. My friend Jonathan was with me and he WAS FILMING all the places we visited...

Vocês devem usar:
Past Continuous
Past Simple​

Resposta :


Hi <Nome de alguem que vc conheça>,

I want to tell you that my trip to <Um pais ou lugar> was so cool!. I was taking many pictures When i Arrived the temporary apartment;

I Visited Many places!, My friend <nome do teu amigo> was with me and he was taking photos of all the places we visited


On Learnings: Outras perguntas