me ajudem pfvrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

he likes run, he doesnt like run, does he like run?
i'm a man, i'm not a man, am i man?
she got in the car, she didn't get in the car, did she get in the car?
my dog is fine, my dog ios not god, is my dog ok?
i can get it, i cant get it, can i get it?
qualquer coisa chama no Insta Lopes_gabriel2021
arfinativa:you're so beautiful.
negativa:I do not like to dance.
interrogativa:which series do you study?
interrogativa:Do you have a pet ?
negativa:I do not like sing.
arfinativa:you and a great student.
interrogativa:do you like watching movies ?
arfinativa:i really like watching series.
negativa:I don't like land movies.
interrogativa:you like dogs?
interrogativa:what style of music do you like?
negativa:don't like rock.
negativo: i don't like playing cell phone game.
arfinativa: love playing cell phone games.
arfinativa: I like rock a lot.
espero que goste