1) Com base no texto a seguir, responda as perguntas utilizando frases afirmativas completas: I am Victoria Smith. I am from Canada. I am sixteen years old and I am a student. I live in London. I play the piano. I don’t like soccer and basketball. I like pasta, meat, rice and beans. My father and my mother are nurses. They work in a hospital. I study in the morning. I do my homework in the afternoon. In the evening I and my parents watch TV or read books. Answer the question: Where does Victoria Smith live? *
2) Considerando as informações do texto acima, responda: Does Victoria live in Canada? *
3) Rewrite the sentence in affirmative form: He doesn’t watch TV.
4) Rewrite the sentence in affirmative form: Does Willian go to school in the morning? *
5) Escreva o verbo no presente simples que completa adequadamente a frase: She ______ three languages: English, French and Spanish. *
6) Escreva a forma correta que completa a frase afirmativa no presente simples: I usually _______ very early in the mornings. (TO GET UP) *
7) Escreva a forma correta no presente simples do verbo TO HAVE conjugado na primeira pessoa? *
8) Assinale a alternative INCORRETA de acordo com as regras do Presente Simples: 0 pontos a) My parents and I don't have dinner today
b) They has dinner today.
c) My mother doesn't have dinner today.
9) Assinale a alternativa que está de acordo com as regras do Presente Simples: * 0 pontos a)You get ups at 7 o´clock.
b)You get up at 7 o´clock.
c)You doesn't get up at 7 o´clock.
10) Escreva uma frase em inglês utilizando as regras do Presente Simples. Você deve usar o verbo TO STUDY - forma afirmativa - pronome da terceira pessoa do singular. *