
Me ajudem por favor
Complete as frases usando os verbos e advérbios abaixo:
every, day, every evening, every month, every Sunday, once a week, once a month, once a year, three times a week, etc.
a) Peter his hair .(wash)
b) Bob to school on foot .(come)
c) Diana tennis .(play)
d) I only dinny with my boss .(have)
e) Steve only tho the supermarket .(go)
f) Bob to the park whit his mother .(go)
g) The students English classes .(have)
h) David to travel to Belo Horizonte .(need)

Resposta :

a) Peter washes his hair three times a week.

b) Bob comes to school on foot everyday.

c) Diana plays tennis every Sunday.

d) I only have dinner with my boss once a week.

e) Steve only goes to the supermarket twice a week.

f) Bob goes to the park with his mother every evening.

g) The students have english classes three times a week.

h) David needs to travel to Belo Horizonte every month.

espero ter ajudado :)