
exercícios: primeiro condicional e, segundo condicional

Leia as frases abaixo e selecione a alternativa que as completa da maneira correta..

(1) If I walk under a ladder...

a)... I will have bad luck.
b) ... I would have good luck.

(2) If my dog barks... 

a) ...it will awake my kids.
b) ... it would make everybody asleep.

(3) If John tries hard... 

a)... he will succeed.
b)... he would succeed.

(4) If I knew Japanese...

a) ...I will go to japan.
b)... I would spend some time in tokyo.

(5) If Susan could be a famous person... 

a) ...she' ll be an actress.
b) ... she'd be a singer.

(6) If Peter and Rose had a baby boy...

a) ...they would name him bob.
b) ...they will name him Robert.


Resposta :


1. A

2. A

3. A

4. B

5. B

6. A

espero ter ajudado.