Resposta :
A- read
B- learned
C- went
D- ate
E- left
Regulares- read, learned
Irregulares- ate, went, left
Espero ter ajudado
a) She read all these books.
b) Junior learned to read when He was sevem.
c) I went to bed early.
d) The boy ate all the Rice.
e) They left alone
ps: nessa alternativa E coloquei o "left" pq era o que estava sobrando, mas acho que está faltando alguma palavra, pq a frase "they left alone" não faz sentido. Talvez esteja falatando um "me" aí, pra ficar "they left me alone".
Quais dos verbos acima são regulares e quais são irregulares?
went: irregular
ate: irregular
left: irregular
learned: regular
read: regular