JESSEHOPEON JESSEHOPEON Inglês Respondido Observe o diálogo abaixo:Reporter: Good afternoon, sir.Principal: Good afternoon.Reporter: How are you, sir?Principal: I am fine. And you?Reporter: I am also fine. Can we please proceed tothe interview?Principal: Sure, go ahead.Reporter: Sir, your college has made an excellentresult in the last HSC Exam. I want to talk to youabout the result. Principal: It’s all right.Reporter: Sir, how has your college made such aglorious result this year?Principal: To speak the truth, continuous efforts ofour teachers and the system of our teaching havehelped us to make this result.Reporter: Anything else, sir?3ª)Pelas características do texto e pelas palavrassublinhadas encontradas nele, trata-se de um textoque apresenta uma linguagema) Coloquialb) Formalc) Jornalísticad) Científicae) Normativa