
Me ajudem por favor help me

Me Ajudem Por Favor Help Me class=

Resposta :



a) You can not paint the house.

b) She can not studt for the text.

c) We can not think of good things.

d) That man can not drive slowly.


a) Can they see birds?

b) Can you hear me?

c) Can he help you?

d) Can Allana speak aloud?


a) Yes, we can.

b) Yes, I can.

c) Yes, she can.

d) No, he can not.

e) Yes, they can.



2 - Substituir can por CAN'T.

3 - Colocar a palavra CAN no início da frase e finalizar com ponto de interrogação (?).

4 - a) Yes, we can.

b) No, I can't.

c) Yes, She can.

d) No, he can't.

e) Yes, they can.


Negative form: é só colocar NOT (não) nas frases.