
Students themselves tell us what they want in a school! Are we ready to listen, minus judgement?

Worldwide | 23 November 2017

Teachers will allow us to speak out our minds" Chrisanne D'Souza

My dream school would be fun and interesting There would be various types of activities for all kids. The lesson periods would contain fun learning and tess writing The playground will be extraordinary, with swings, slides and even fountains During recess, we would go to the cafeteria where different types of snacks would be served The uniforms will be colourful and we will be allowed to wear party clothes once a week - or have castume days. The teachers should allow us to speak out our minds School bags should contain very few books which will be easy to carry. There should also be a classroom for pets where kids can interact with animals




*My school will focus on two things: coding and sports Pranav Ramanathan

My dream school would be located in the hills where the climate would be very cold. There will be over 10 subjects from grade V - ITC Math, English, Javascript Cand Al. The school will focus only on two things: coding and sports. There will be different kinds of sports such as American football, soccer, rugby, basketball, cricket, tennis. baseball swimming, water polo polo, athletics, kho-kho and kabaddi. .)

Qual é o assunto dos textos?

2-Em um dia especial Chrisanne D'Souza pode levar algo especial na escola. Assinale a opção correta:

seu brinquedo favorito

seu animal de estimação

sua roupa favorita

3-Quais esportes Pranav Ramathan pode praticar em sua escola?

me ajudem por favor ​

Students Themselves Tell Us What They Want In A School Are We Ready To Listen Minus JudgementWorldwide 23 November 2017Teachers Will Allow Us To Speak Out Our M class=

Resposta :


1) Qual é o assunto dos textos?

O assunto dos textos são como seriam as escolas dos sonhos deles.

2) Em um dia especial Chrisanne D'Souza pode levar algo especial na escola.   Assinale a opção correta:

 Sua roupa favorita.

3) Quais esportes Pranav Ramathan pode praticar em sua escola?

American football, soccer, rugby, basketball, cricket, tennis, baseball, swimming, water polo, polo, athletcs, kho-kho and kabaddi.

Espero ter te ajudado!

As questões relacionadas com os textos, que falam sobre o que os alunos querem na escola, devem ser feitas da seguinte forma:

1) The subject of the texts is what the student's dream schools would be like.

2) On speacial occasion, Chrisanne D'Souza can wear her favorite clothes to school.

3) The sports that Pranav Ramathan can play are American football, soccer, rugby, basketball, cricket, tennis, baseball, swimming, water polo, polo, athletcs, kho-kho and kabaddi.

Para responder às questões, devemos atentar em alguns pormenores do texto.

Dream School

  • Nos dois textos apresentados, Chrisanne D'Souza e Pranav Ramathan falam sobre como seria a sua escola de sonho.
  • Chrisanne afirma que poderia utilizar a sua roupa favorita em dias especiais.
  • Pranav afirma que poderia praticar vários desportos, como futebol americano, futebol, ténis, etc.

Saiba mais sobre a escola aqui: https://brainly.com.br/tarefa/45145402


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