JESSEHOPEON JESSEHOPEON Inglês Respondido Observe o texto abaixo que fala sobre o primeirojornal do mundo. Marque a sequência de Personalpronouns encontrados no textoThe Day Act was an official publication of theRoman Empire, created in the year 59 BC duringCaesar's imperial rule. It brought daily news to thepopulation from every corner of the empire (andbeyond), mainly talking about military, science andpolitical achievements.In order to write the Day Act, the world's firstjournalism professionals,called ImperialCorrespondents, emerged. They were sent to allRoman regions and provinces to follow and writethe news.1ª) Marque a sequência de Personal pronounsencontrados no textoa) an, it,b) an, ofc) to, ofd) it, ofe) it, They