
Texto 3 Age is Just a number

A)What is her name?




B)How old is she?




C)where Does she live?

. London

.southwestern Ontario

.Not mentioned

D)what is her family like?

.she uses her computer all the time

.she's a granmother of six

.she watches TV with he family

E)What are her regula activities?

.she plays bridge,meets friends and goes to the centre onde activity and aping

.she cooks to Family and Friends

.she uses the laptop,watches tv and goes to shopping

F)What does she like?

.she likes to live in several places

.the theatre

.she likes to stay alone

G)is she ok with he age?Does she live well



Texto 3 Age Is Just A NumberAWhat Is Her NameOntario Calgary Marion BHow Old Is Shesix 8286Cwhere Does She Live London Southwestern Ontario Not Mentioned Dwhat class=