Resposta :
1) A. Have you done much exercise this week?
B: Yes, I have already been to aerobics class four times.
2) A: Have you played any sports this month?
B: No, I haven't had the time.
A maioria dos exercícios é para treinar o uso do have como auxiliar, porém neste exemplo, o verbo também é o have, por isso a repetição: have not had.
3) A: How many movies have you been to this month?
B: Actually, I haven't seen any yet.
Podemos concluir que a resposta é negativa pela presença do "any" e do "yet".
4) A: Have you been to any interesting parties recently?
B: No, I haven't gone to any parties for quite a while.
5) A: Have you called any friends today?
B: Yes, I have already made three calls.
6) A: How many times have you gone out to eat this week?
B: I have eaten at fast-food restaurants a couple of times.