Resposta :
⇒⇒ Possessive pronouns
1. Mary likes her house. Do you like yours?
2. They love their country and we love ours.
3. He finished his test before you finished yours.
4. I never drive my car to school, but they always drive theirs.
5. He spends his money on books, and Diane spends hers on clothes.
⇒⇒ Possessive pronouns >> usado para substituir o substantivo, para evitar repetição. NUNCA VEM SEGUIDO DE SUBSTANTIVO. Normalmente, vem seguido de ponto final.
This is your car and that is mine.
Este é o seu carro e aquele é o meu (carro).
My sister is beautiful, how about yours?
Minha irmã é bonita, e a sua (irmã) ?
Possessive Possessive pronous
My car mine
Your brother yours
His dog his
Her sister hers
Its tail its
Our teacher ours
Your pencils yours
Their friends theirs
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