
What was the theory of divine law?​

Resposta :


It is God's plan for the government of his creatures. It is a consequence of divine providence. In each creature we find a law specific to its nature, the consequence of a place designated by God in his divine project. Eternal law is the archetype of all other things.

( Trata-se do plano de Deus, para o governo de suas criaturas. É uma conseqüência da divina providência. Em cada criatura encontramos uma lei própria de sua natureza, conseqüência de um lugar designado por Deus em seu projeto divino. A lei eterna é o arquétipo de todas as demais coisas.)


Hope this helps :)

good studies


In one way or another, all things are ordered and submitted by the eternal law, which is God Himself. Thus Saint Thomas teaches: “Thus, therefore, the eternal idea of the divine law has the character of an eternal law, while God guides all things preconceived by him to govern them