2. Ler o diálogo e responder a informações PEDRO:Hi, Malul MALU: Hello, Pedro How are you PERDO: I am fine thanks. And you? MALU: I am fine PEDRO: How old are you? MALU: I am 11 years old. And you? PEDRO: I am 11 too MALU: My sister Laura is 13 today. She is a teenager now PEDRO: How old is your brother? MALU: He is 21. His name is Diogo Circule a alternativa correta: a) Mala is 11/13 years old. b) Laura is her friend / sister, c) Her sister is 13/21, d) Her brother is 13/21, e) His game is Pedro / Dlogo f) Pedro is 11/13 years old.