Resposta :
⇒⇒ Relative pronouns
1 - Complete a frase a seguir usando o pronome relativo que se encaixa corretamente: The car, that I hired last week, is making a strange noise.
A) who
B) which
C) what
D) that ✅
2 - Na frase da questão 1 você precisou marcar o pronome relativo correto. Como seria classificado a oração que é iniciada por esse pronome.
A) Defining clause
B) Non-defining clause ✅
3- Qual frase abaixo está escrita corretamente?
A) My house that has a green door is at the end of the street.
B) My house, which has a green door, is at the end of the street. ✅
4- Observe as frases abaixo e marque a alternativa que corresponde aos pronomes relativos que devem ser usados na frases abaixo:
Bob is the boy who is stading.
This is the book that was expensive.
She is the girl who I met yesterday.
That's the woman whose flast is very big.
Here's the photo of a place where we spent our holidays.
A) which, which, that, that, where.
B) who, that, which, who, where.
C) who, that, who, whose, where. ✅
D) where, who, which, where, whose.
5- Considere a seguinte frase " Our survey happened in rural Village Called Nossa senhora Aparecida, in the District of Coari, highlights the work of cooperative Community Association of Rural producers of Community Nossa Senhora Aparecida, *which* is called for the popular name Of Aproducida...". A palavra ''which'' se refere no contexto a:
A) Survey
B) District
C) Village
D) Association ✅
⇒⇒ Defining relative clauses (orações restritivas): definem sobre o que estamos falando ou sobre quem. Não usam vírgula.
→→ Defining relative clauses pronouns
- that
- when
- who
- whom
- where
- which
- whose
John is the man who I saw at the Mall.
This is the teacher whose son is my friend.
This is the city where I was born.
⇒⇒ Non-defining relative clauses (orações explicativas): não dão informação essencial sobre a frase antecedente. Sempre estão entre vírgulas.
→→ Non-defining relative clauses pronouns
- who
- whom
- which
- whose
My neighbor, whose daughter is my friend, bought a new car.
Denzel Washington, who is a famous actor, lives in California.
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